We won an award!

Welcome to the Award-Winning Leeds Cycling Campaign!

We were winners of the Best Collaboration Award at the Leeds for Change "Summat New" activists' event!

The nomination was for the part we played in the national Space4Cycling campaign, locally led by Leeds Cycling Campaign

"In a year of unprecedented regional focus on cycling resulting from Le Grand Depart, Leeds Cycling Campaign as part of the national S4C campaign have made great strides towards grasping this zeitgeist opportunity impacting on environmental, public health & local economic develpment issues. 

In aspiring to establish an ambitious TDF legacy for Leeds and beyond, they've worked widely with others in visioning & lobbying for mass, popular support for the creation of the right conditions to enable all who wish to cycle to do so safely and enjoyably. Kickstarting this was an eclectic conference at Swarthmore in early May that brought together such as 20s Plenty, Liveable Cities, Local Authority planners and other city cycle groups including the national CTC campaign (alongside whom Leeds Cycling Campaign has mutually learned & shared much) This was followed by a family friendly action S4C ride (on top of the existing regular accessible Easy Rides) that offered new supporters opportunity to become involved, including local politicians.

Following an upgraded website, some identity reworking, regular member e-news and an active Facebook & Twitter presence, Leeds Cycling Campaign have moved general monthly meetings out of the Civic Hall. In exploring alternative city social venues eg Heart, Adelphi, Inkwell they've aimed to encourage a flexible, membership action focus.Ultimately S4C via Leeds Cycling Campaign has offered more people a clear reason to think boldly / imaginatively and to become involved including contacting councillors thus encouraging competitively cooperative civic cross country campaigning.

Other collaborations include working formally with West Yorkshire Police over road safety, Leeds City Council Highways & the new City Connect project, the NGT campaign & inquiry. In addition they've worked creatively with the Welcome to Yorkshire Sky Rides  Culture Vultures Pedallers Arms & Sustrans (even the BBC) amongst a growing number of requests & interest.

Leeds Cycling Campaign have cooperated and collaborated with other organisations and politicians without being unwilling to campaign, challenge and criticise where necessary, especially to focus decision makers on delivering; including, currently, the government's cycle delivery plan & from regular participation, questioning the relevance of Leeds' Cycle Consultation Forum"

A massive THANKYOU to everyone who has been involved in Space4Cycling, and supports the campaign in big and small ways. Our next Space for Cycling action is another Big Ride on Saturday 6th December. Please join us and be part of the award-winning Leeds Cycling Campaign!