If you like what we do, why not join us?
Leeds Cycling Campaign is a broad and inclusive group of people. We come in all different shapes and sizes, ride a multitude of bikes on and off road, wear lycra, baggy trousers, skirts, boots, ties, high heels and make up our own minds on helmets. We are united in our desire to make Leeds a much better place for cycling.
We want to make things a whole lot better for cycling. Leeds falls behind many other UK cities in terms of cycle facilities, and the proportion of the people who consider cycling a viable option for getting about is low. Cycling on Leeds' roads is seen as dangerous - because of poor road surfaces, unhelpful road layout, poorly maintained facilities etc. All this needs to change.
According to our Constitution, Leeds Cycling Campaign exists:
- to promote cycling in the Leeds area
- to make Leeds a ‘better place in which to cycle’.
- to encourage all cyclists to cycle with consideration for other people, and to follow National Standards for cycling
Our members and elected committee put this into practice by:
- Regular input on road schemes, cycle facilities and strategic areas through discussions with Leeds City Council, the West Yorkshire Combined Authority (formerly Metro) and meetings like the Cycling Consultation Forum
- Organising regular rides for all experience levels, meetings, and events for members
- Lobbying elected representatives about specific issues, in order to ensure the views of cyclists are heard.
- Giving weight of numbers to back up individuals campaigning on local issues.
- Conducting rides around Leeds in order to try out existing facilities and highlight where they need improving.
- Working with other organisations - local and national - to promote cycling and work towards a better environment for cycling
Leeds Cycling Campaign needs *you* to get involved. Campaigning might involve:
- Sending a couple of emails a year to your local councillor and MP about a particular issue.
- Attending a meeting with council transport officers to discuss a road scheme that affects you.
- Providing support to others in their campaigns.
- Giving a voice to Leeds' cyclists on local radio or TV.
The more people who campaign the more influence we can have. If we do nothing, nothing will change.
You can also find our Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/LeedsCyclingCampaign and discussion group https://www.facebook.com/groups/leeds.cycle/
and Twitter https://twitter.com/LeedsCyclists