Leeds Cycling Consultation Forum Subgroup 11/11/2015

2015-11-11 Leeds Cycle Consultation Forum Subgroup

East Leeds Orbital Route (ELOR)

Main topic of discussion was the East Leeds Orbital Route (ELOR). This is an extension of the outer ring road which is to accommodate the building of thousands of new homes on the east side of Leeds. A photo of the proposed  route can be seen at the link below. Hopefully we should have a digital version soon.

I believe that consultation opens on the 20th November 2015 via Leeds City Council Website (not currently available).


It has to be completed by 2021 and is being funded by a combination of the West Yorkshire Plus Transport Fund and by the developers of the housing sites.

As you can see from the plan, there are proposals to create a network of high quality, protected cycle routes as part of the development. It is within the scope of the project to create high quality, grade separated crossings where required. As a general principle the location of the new orbital route seems sensible, but the key will be downgrading and discouraging motor traffic on the existing roads and junctions, and diverting this traffic onto the new orbital route.

The campaign will be responding to the consultation in due course, if there are members that would like to be involved or even lead this response, then please get in touch using contact@leedscyclingcampaign.co.uk or comment on the cycle scape thread linked above.

ELOR Advance Works

As part of ELOR advance works there are several junctions that the Council say require improvements in order to cope with the increased motor vehicle traffic that will be generated by these new developments. These ‘improvements’ are going to happen within the next 18 months. The junctions involved can be seen here. We are being asked what would be best for cyclists on these junctions. We questioned why these improvements were necessary with reference to the ELOR, however it appears that a lot of housing will be completed before the ELOR is!

I have created pages on cyclescape for all the individual junctions. Please could you comment or give suggestions on there. It allows us to keep all information and discussion in the same place.

King Lane / Stonegate Road: http://leeds.cyclescape.org/issues/1924-proposed-signalised-gyratory

Roundhay Park Lane: http://leeds.cyclescape.org/issues/1929-roundhay-park-lane-elor-advance-...

King Lane / Ring Road: http://leeds.cyclescape.org/issues/1930-ring-road-king-lane-elor-advance...

Harrogate Road / Ring Road: http://leeds.cyclescape.org/issues/1931-harrogate-road-ring-road-elor-ad...

Scott Hall Road / Harrogate Road: http://leeds.cyclescape.org/issues/1932-scott-hall-road-harrogate-road-e...

Track linking Horsforth and Rodley Roundabouts

Despite both these recently redeveloped roundabouts being very poor for cycling, there are plans for a protected track to run between  them. This should be completed by April 2016.

CityConnect2 (CC2) Update

CC2 is progressing, internal consultation  starts on Monday 16th Nov and lasts for 2 weeks , external consultation will start before Christmas, possibly earlier. Designers will be coming to the next subgroup meeting to talk detail. In brief the schemes feature protected city centre links and protected cycleway out to Morley

Junction Maps

There exists a junction map to help guide people on bikes over Sheepscar junction. We have been asked for suggestions of other junctions that people find difficult or confusing to use so similar maps can be made for them. We realise that ultimately the junction and signage should explain itself, but this may be a good short term solution. Suggestions to contact@leedscyclingcampaign.co.uk please.


Other schemes, such as Osthorpe Road and Cross Green Lane were discussed. We are waiting for electronic plans for these, so will update when we get them. Victoria Gate was discussed, but again we are waiting for the plans.

Osthorpe Road: http://leeds.cyclescape.org/issues/1927-osthorpe-road-improvements

Cross Green Lane: http://leeds.cyclescape.org/issues/1928-cross-green-lane-20mph-zone