Several members including Martin Stanley, Rob Hick, Steven Hammond, and Tony Read attended on behalf of the campaign.
A summary of topics discussed is below:
West Yorkshire Transport Fund
Presentation by Paul Robertson . Primary objecctive is to maximise increease in employment and productivity growth in West Yorkshire. Essentially means a tangible and measurable effect on local economy. Benefits of the scheme should be spread equitably around the West Yorkshire districts and must have a neutral carbon impact.
Economic benefit was modelled in an Urban Dynamic Model which includes transport, land use and econometric model.
We questioned whether the transport model included cycling, and the consensus was that while it is included, it is modelled as an 'active mode' modelled as walking speed. Although PaulRobertson assured us that this was not detrimental to cycling.
Uses a gross value added ratther than benefit cost ratio. This metric was then used to identify locations accross west yorkshire with the greatest potential for growth. The model identified that by 2026, approximately 22,000 jobs would be constrained by a lack of transport infrastructure.
Modelling identifed several priority packages.
- Radialroutes - connectivity into urban centres (Bus, rail, and NGT)
- Orbital - Mainly highways focussed - removing motor traffic in city centres
- Access to key development sites
- Corridor connectivity
- Access to motorway network
If packages implemented then 15,000 jobs gained back by 2026.
So the important bit...cycling components of the tansport fund.
- New facilities as part of new highway infrastructure
- Cycle parking at rail and bus stations
- Road space reallocation along orbital routes
- Road space reallocation along radial routes
- Highways efficiency and bus package (bus lanes)
- Integration with future city connect projects
- Cycle routes as part of NGT to Aire Valley
Total funding for all projects
£288 million - Local growth fund up to 2021
£60 million - West Yorkshire Combined Authority
£100 million - from devolved major scheme funding
Overall there are 33 individual schemes selected by leaders of the district councils. We are awaiting a full list and have made the council aware that we as a campaign are ready at any point to review plans to make them the best they can be. It is refreshing to see that all involved are aware of the importance of excellent, dedicated infrastructure.
UPDATE (17/07/2015) A list of projects can be found at
Route 9 (Regent Street)
There have been snagging visits, an summary of which can be found here.
City Connect 1 Scheme
Has an expected completen date of between May and August 2016
City Connect 2 Scheme
Tim Parry – Many schemes were proposed in the original bid, now are conducting feasibility studies to see which can be completed with the funding received. The campaign will start to be consulted on initial drawings within the next month. Plan is to use the current monthly subgroup meetings, and arrange addition meetings on an ad-hoc basis if required.
Tour de France
The legacy board has finally been set up, and we have a seat on it. The purpose is to ensure that we keep momntum from the tour, and Cllr. Roger Harington stated the primary oobjective is to get as many people on bikes as possible. First meeting will be in september.