Leeds Cycling Campaign Disciplinary Policy

The Committee shall be responsible for implementing any disciplinary action against members deemed necessary following the outcome of an investigation conducted under the Campaign’s Complaints Policy.


Investigation Process

  1. The Campaign Committee shall be responsible for appointing a Nominated Officer to investigate any alleged breach of the Campaign’s Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy, or of its other policies.

  2. The Nominated Officer will report back to the Committee following their investigation.

  3. The Committee will consider the Nominated Officer’s report and decide if disciplinary action is needed and if so, what form that should take.


Possible Disciplinary Outcomes

  1. Normally if the breach is the first of its kind and of a relatively minor nature, the individuals concerned will be requested to take the appropriate remedial action and would suffer no further consequences.

  2. A repeated breach, or a more serious incident may trigger the issuing of a verbal or written warning to those who deemed to be responsible for the breach.

  3. Very serious offences, or a repeat of a more serious incident, may result in suspension from some or all Leeds Cycling Campaign activities for a period of time, expulsion from the organisation and, if necessary, involvement of the Police.

  4. Appeals against the decision of the Committee may be made to a panel consisting of three members of Leeds Cycling Campaign appointed by the Leeds Cycling Campaign Chair. Individuals subject to disciplinary action will be able to attend an appeal meeting with a companion or representative and will be given a minimum of ten days notice of such a meeting.

  5. In extreme cases, the Committee may suspend or expel members from the Campaign with immediate effect.If the recommended outcome of a complaint is the expulsion of the member, the expelled member shall have the right of appeal to an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with clause 9.1. of the Constitution.

  6. The Campaign Chair (or acting deputy) shall be responsible for ensuring the fair conduct of disciplinary or appeal meetings and shall only have a casting vote.


11 July 2022