You may have seen in the news that there is the prospect of a bus strike in Leeds
Whilst inconvenient, why not use it as an opportunity to #BikeTheStrike! This proved extremely popular in London during the tube strikes and many people carried on commuting by bike as it can often be quicker, and is always cheaper. Travel times are always more reliable too, as you very rarely get stuck in traffic.
Dig out your bike from the shed at the weekend, check the brakes, pump up the tyres and you're ready to go! Maybe even do a test ride on Sunday to check how long it takes.
Planning a route - One of the best things about cycling is that you don't have to stick to the same routes as drivers. There are plenty of cut throughs and shortcuts that can make the route shorter.
The Leeds Cycling map is available here digitally in two parts: North and South. It is a little out of date now so some of the following links may be useful.
Cyclestreets is a great website (and app) that has been designed specifically to plan cycle routes.
Google Maps now includes a route planner for cycles, just use the direction tool and select the bicycle from the menu. Open Route Service is an alternative using Open Street Maps as the source for the maps.
Checking your bike - Our friends at Sustrans have a great guide for checking your bike.
Ask for help! If you need any advice, be it routes, or maintenance, just tweet us @leedscyclists using the #BikeTheStrike hashtag, or post on our Facebook page and some of members are sure to help out!
Use those empty bus lanes!