Campaign Policies

The small print

Leeds Cycling Campaign aims to provide accurate and objective information, to use images legally, and comply fully with the EU General Data Protection Regulation,  UK Data Protection Act and other UK legislation.

If you think we have made a mistake, given false information, misrepresented a viewpoint, used an image without the necessary consent, or have any other concerns about our website content please get in touch and we'll do our best to make amends as soon as possible. 


As a campaigning membership organisation we are governed by a Constitution which spells out our aims and objectives and provides a framework for our day-to-day running.  You can find the latest version of our Constitution attached below.

In addition we have developed the following policies:

Acceptable Use Policy for Social Media

Complaints Policy

Data Protection Policy

Data Privacy Notice

Disciplinary Policy

Donations to Causes Policy

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy

Guidance for Riders

Guidance for Ride Leaders

Some policies are still being developed or reviewed.  When complete, we will post a link to them from this page.