There are proposal to create a bus corridor between Bradford and Leeds. As this route follows that of the cycle superhighway 1 there are opportunities to improve the cycle infrastructure at the same time. Below we have created links to all the consultation as well as some suggestions of comments you may wish to submit.
It is also possible to 'like' other comments so we would suggest going through and giving support to those that share your views.
Bradford Road between Gain Lane and Ederoyd Grove
- Support the introduction of bus lanes. These should be operational 24hrs and not just at peak times.
- Support that existing protected cycle lanes are retained.
- Support the introduction of extra crossings for pedestrians
- Suggest that there should be a westbound bus lane between Ederoyd Crescent and Galloway Lane
- Request that the current speed limit of 40mph be reduced to 30mph. This would allow the width of the general traffic and bus lanes to be reduced and allow additonal width to be reallocated to pedestrians and cyclists. This would potentially allow the cycleways to become bidirectional, as they should be on a large, multi-lane road such as this. It would also allow opportunities to improve the bus stops.
- Request that the signal timings be changed at Thornbury Barracks to allow cyclists to cross the junction in one movement, rather than the two that it takes now.
- Oppose the massive increase in junction size, it is likely that all this will do is induce more motor traffic, and hence there will not be any reduction in congestion.
- Question whether the introduction of a junction like this really adheres to the West Yorkshire Combined Authority Transport Strategy. Specifically, It includes targets for a 25% increase in bus trips by 2027, a 75% increase in rail trips by 2027, an increase in walking, and a 300% increase in trips by bicycle by 2027. We also understand that for the first time, the strategy aims to reduce the proportion of car trips. Hence, the design process for the junction should be re-started and be true to the stated aims of the WYCA Transport Strategy and Connecting Leeds.
- The full costs of providing for all modes should be considered, including the costed benefits of increased take up of non-car modes.
- Grade separation for walking and cycling, and ambitious bus priority measures, should be the overriding design priorities for a junction of such high speed/volume of traffic.
If the design goes ahead in the form presented:
- A quality, protected cycle facility must be provided on the southern side of the eastern arm of the junction. This is currently a very narrow, weak area, and these proposals do nothing to address this. The introduction of a bidirectional facility on the northern side of the eastern arm is not good enough. The inconvenience of an extra crossing will mean most, if not all cyclists will not use it.
- The CityConnect Cycle Superhighway should be connected across the new junction, linking with Priesthorpe School and New Pudsey Station.
Stanningley Road Junction with Hough Lane
- Support the removal of the parking space at the junction
- Parking spaces outside the row of shops should also be removed. Both the pedestrian footway and cycleway are very narrow here, due to the space taken up by on street parking.
- The toucan crossing on the southern arm of the junction should be realigned to mean that cyclists do not have to travel downhill to cross.
- The upgraded signals should also detect cyclists approaching the junction to mean that button presses are not required.
Stanningley Road between Town End and Armley Ridge Road
- Support the conversion of the 2+ lane to a dedicated bus lane.
- The bus stop near Town End Close is very poor, narrow and off camber. There is a lot of space to make this better. Is a bus lay-by really required here with the addition of a bus lane?
- The cycleway crossing Houghley Lane is very poor and little respected by motorists. Consideration should be giving to making this exit only for motorists, allowing the cycleway to continue across the mouth of the junction, rather than diverting downhill.
- There have been instances of motorist not respecting/understanding the traffic lights from the lip road onto Henconner Lane. Consideration should be given on how to improve this.
- The cycleway is less than 1m wide on the westbound section opposite Houghley Lane. This should be widened to 2m.
- The junction with Armley Ridge road is very poor for cyclists traveling westbound. There is possible conflict with buses pulling into the stop. A quality bus stop bypass should be provided.
- The junction mouth at Moorfield Road is excessively wide, creating a risks for cyclists and pedestrians. This should be narrowed significantly.
Armley Road between Ledgard Way and Pickering Street
- In general, support the proposals to restrict turning movements for general traffic
- Cyclists traveling eastbound are still at risk from motorists turning into Ledgard Way. There must be a way to hold left turning motorists while cyclists are moving across the junction.
- Are two lanes out of Branch Road required? If not the footways could be widened as they are currently very poor for pedestrians.
- The cycleway and bus stops to the east of the junction are currently very poor and these plans do not address this. They must.
- Cyclists traveling up Ledgard way have a risky maneuver to move into the cycle lane to turn right onto Stanningley Road, this must be addressed.
- Thought needs to be give to how cyclists and pedestrians will interact in the section outside Mike's Carpets. There currently looks like potential for conflict.
- Support introduction of bus lane
- The cycle track link around the bus stop and across the tiger crossings into Armley Road is very poor. There is currently nothing that slows turning traffic, so cyclists and pedestrians feel at risk when using these crossings. There is potential for vast improvements here.