Membership form


On 1 January 2024 Leeds Cycling Campaign introduced changes to its membership payment rates.  We now charge a flat-rate subscription of £8 per member, regardless of how they pay or whether they are single or part of a family or couple.  Two waged adults at the same address can still join at the same time by making a single payment of £16 - in this case please indicate the name of the second adult when you complete the form.  There is no charge for children.

Please complete and submit the web form below.

  • Fill in your address and contact details.  Please note we will only ever use your information for the purposes of the Campaign - no personal information is passed to a third party.  View our Data Privacy Notice here.
  • Select your membership type and tell us how you'll be paying using the drop-down menu items
  • Click the Join button to submit your application, and then (crucially):
  • Visit our payments page to make your payment.
  • We'll tally up the application with your payment and get your membership pack out to you as soon as possible.


If you have any queries, pleas write to membership [at]


Your first name.
Your last name.
The name of any second waged adult living with you who is joining at the same time - you will need to pay £16 in total.
First line of your address, e.g. 25 Main Road
Second line of your address, e.g. Rothwell
Your post code, e.g. LS20 1AB
Home phone number.
Mobile telephone number.
Your email address
Please select "Yes" to receive our Campaign newsletter by email, or "No" if you prefer not to receive it.
Select a membership type.
Once you've clicked 'Join', please follow the link to the payments page. You can set up a standing order, make a bank transfer or send us a cheque.
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